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Teach you how to judge quality capacitors with a multimeter

来源:捷美创芯 2012-11-14
Depending on the size of the electrolytic capacitor capacity , usually chosen multimeter R × 10, R × 100, R × 1K block tested judgment. Red , black pen , respectively, then the capacitor anode ( Before each test , the need to discharge the capacitor ) , the yaw hands to judge quality capacitors . This article teaches you how to use a multimeter to determine quality capacitors for reference.

Depending on the size of the electrolytic capacitor capacity , usually chosen multimeter R × 10, R × 100, R × 1K block tested judgment. Red , black pen , respectively, then the capacitor anode ( Before each test , the need to discharge the capacitor ) , the yaw hands to judge quality capacitors . If the swing quickly to the right hands , then slowly return to the left in situ , in general, the capacitor is good. If the hands are no longer swing after swing , indicating that the capacitor has breakdown. If the gauge needles swing gradually return to a position stop bits , then the capacitors have leakage . If you do not put hands up , indicating that the capacitor electrolyte has dried push lost capacity .

Some leakage of the capacitor , the above method is not easy to accurately judge the good or bad. When the capacitor voltage is greater than the battery voltage value in the meter according to the positively charged electrolytic capacitor leakage current is small , the reverse leakage current is large when the charging characteristic , can be R × 10K block, reverse charging the capacitor observed whether at the hands remain stable ( ie, reverse leakage current is constant ) , which determine the quality capacitors , high degree of accuracy . Black pen then the capacitor anode , the red pen then the capacitor anode , hands quickly swing , then gradually retreat somewhere to stay does not move, then the capacitor is good , all hands stay in one position and then gradually unstable or stay slowly moving to the right capacitors have leakage can not continue to use. Hands and generally stays stable at 50-200K scale range.

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